About Bennett's Project

Recently, we’ve seen an unfortunate increase in heated rhetoric surrounding policies that protect transgender youth from discrimination. That’s why we’re supporting #BennettsProject, a statewide effort to collect messages of support for transgender youth across Georgia.

This project started as an offline letter-writing campaign created by a Roswell, GA student named Bennett. Bennett heard some of the things being said about transgender people in local and national conversations, and wanted to make sure his transgender friends knew that they are accepted and loved. So he encouraged his classmates to join him in writing these letters of support.

Now, he’s encouraging all of us to join in, and send our own letters of support to transgender youth. Collected notes will be displayed at community events and other places where we can reach the general public to give them a better understanding of the issues around transgender rights.

Bennett's Letter: Always be proud of who you are! Never let anyone say otherwise! - Bennett
Bennett's Portrait
Write Your Own Letter
For Transgender Students in Georgia, Discrimination is a Daily Reality:
80% of transgender students experience discrimination.
50% of transgender students experience verbal harassment.
24% of transgender students experience physical violence.
2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS): Georgia State Report

A Message from Bennett

Letters from Bennett and His Classmates

Join the Project: Write a Letter
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